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Genetic parameters of the thick-to-thin albumen ratio and egg compositional traits in layer-type chickens

文献类型: 外文期刊

作者: Wan, Y. 1 ; Wang, Z. 1 ; Wang, J. 1 ; Su, H. 1 ; Guo, X. 1 ; Wu, J. 3 ; Li, Q. 3 ; Ni, G. 3 ; Jiang, R. 1 ;

作者机构: 1.Anhui Agr Univ, Coll Anim Sci & Technol, Hefei 230036, Anhui, Peoples R China

2.Anhui Acad Agr Sci, Inst Anim Husb & Vet Med, Anhui Key Lab Livestock & Poultry Prod Safety Eng, Hefei, Anhui, Peoples R China

3.Anhui Rongda Poultry Dev Co Ltd, Xuancheng, Peoples R China

关键词: Chicken; egg quality; genetic correlation; heritability; thick albumen

期刊名称:BRITISH POULTRY SCIENCE ( 影响因子:2.095; 五年影响因子:2.266 )

ISSN: 0007-1668



收录情况: SCI

摘要: 1. Generating a robust egg albumen is one of the major factors contributing to interior egg quality owing to its nutritive value and superior appearance. However, the genetic factors regulating the proportion of thick albumen are poorly understood. 2. In this study, 1330 eggs were collected from 450 Rhode Island White layers, aged 40 weeks, to measure egg compositional traits for three successive days. The restricted maximum likelihood method was applied to estimate genetic parameters for the thick-to-thin albumen ratio and other egg compositional traits. A univariate animal model was fitted to calculate heritability for each trait. 3. The heritabilities of egg weight, yolk weight, albumen height, Haugh units, percentages of yolk, thick albumen, thin albumen and the thick-to-thin albumen ratio were 0.32, 0.34, 0.28, 0.47, 0.61, 0.39, 0.31, and 0.45, respectively. The percentage of thick albumen was negatively correlated genetically with all traits, and percentage of thin albumen was negatively correlated genetically with all traits except for Haugh units. The thick-to-thin albumen ratio was positively correlated genetically with egg weight, albumen height and Haugh units, with correlations ranging from 0.21 to 0.54. 4. The results indicated that the percentage of thick albumen and the thick-to-thin albumen ratio were found to be moderately to highly heritable, and selection for the thick-to-thin albumen ratio could be conducive to the improvement of egg albumen quality.

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