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Seed coat colour and structure are related to the seed dormancy and overwintering ability of crop-to-wild hybrid soybean

文献类型: 外文期刊

作者: Zhang, Li 1 ; Jia, Ruizong 2 ; Liu, Laipan 1 ; Shen, Wenjing 1 ; Fang, Zhixiang 1 ; Zhou, Bin 3 ; Liu, Biao 1 ;

作者机构: 1.Nanjing Inst Environm Sci, Minist Ecol & Environm, Key Lab Biosafety, Nanjing 210042, Jiangsu, Peoples R China

2.Chinese Acad Trop Agr Sci, Sanya Res Inst, Hainan Key Lab Biosafety Monitoring & Mol Breedin, Sanya 572011, Hainan, Peoples R China

3.Anhui Acad Agr Sci, Crop Res Inst, Hefei 230031, Anhui, Peoples R China

关键词: Coat structure; crop wild hybrid; genetically modified soybean; seed dormancy; overwintering ability

期刊名称:AOB PLANTS ( 影响因子:2.9; 五年影响因子:3.4 )

ISSN: 2041-2851

年卷期: 2023 年 15 卷 6 期


收录情况: SCI

摘要: The possible persistence of genetically modified (GM) crop-to-wild hybrid seeds in the soil seed bank is a major concern in risk assessment and is closely related to seed characteristics such as dormancy. In the present study, we generated F-3 hybrids via crosses between GM soybean accessions and wild soybean and evaluated the dormancy, overwintering ability and inheritance of foreign genes in different-coloured hybrid seeds (yellow, green, brown and black). The results revealed that the 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase transgene may have no influence on crop wild hybrid seed dormancy and overwintering ability, and the dormancy of the hybrid seeds was closely related to seed coat colour. F-3 hybrid seeds with light colours (yellow and green) were relatively nondormant, while seeds that were dark (brown and black) in colour were relatively dormant. Moreover, the hybrid seeds that were dark in colour had a much stronger overwintering ability than the lighter-coloured seeds, with 21.33 % of the black seeds and 33.33 % of the brown seeds remaining viable after 240 days of soil burial. In contrast, almost all the F-3 yellow and green seeds were no longer viable during winter. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the lighter-coloured seeds had a thin palisade layer and very few surface deposits, while the darker-coloured seeds had a thicker palisade layer and a large area of honeycomb-like surface deposits similar to those of wild soybean seeds. Thus, the physical dormancy and overwintering ability of the darker-coloured seeds may be related to the seed coat. Our results suggest that transgenes of GM soybean might disperse into wild populations and persist in seed banks.

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