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The genetic mechanism of high prolificacy in small tail han sheep by comparative proteomics of ovaries in the follicular and luteal stages

文献类型: 外文期刊

作者: Tang, Jishun 1 ; Hu, Wenping 1 ; Chen, Sheng 2 ; Di, Ran 1 ; Liu, Qiuyue 1 ; Wang, Xiangyu 1 ; He, Xiaoyun 1 ; Gan, Shang 1 ;

作者机构: 1.Chinese Acad Agr Sci, Inst Anim Sci, Key Lab Anim Genet & Breeding & Reprod, Minist Agr, Beijing 100193, Peoples R China

2.Anhui Acad Agr Sci, Inst Anim Husb & Vet Med, Hefei 230031, Anhui, Peoples R China

3.Xinjiang Acad Agr & Reclamat Sci, State Key Lab Sheep Genet Improvement & Hlth Prod, Shihezi 832000, Peoples R China

4.Tianjin Inst Anim Sci, Tianjin 300381, Peoples R China

5.Shanghai Appl Prot Technol Co Ltd, Shanghai 200233, Peoples R China

关键词: Sheep; Proteomics; Tandem mass tag; Prolificacy; Genetic mechanism

期刊名称:JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS ( 影响因子:4.044; 五年影响因子:4.02 )

ISSN: 1874-3919

年卷期: 2019 年 204 卷


收录情况: SCI

摘要: To investigate the genetic mechanism of sheep prolificacy, protein profiling of ovaries in the follicular and luteal phases was conducted. The tandem mass tag technique was used to analyze the proteomes of ovaries from STH sheep that did not have the FecB mutation in the bone morphogenetic protein receptor 1B gene. Parallel Reaction Monitoring (PRM) was operated to validate the target differentially abundant proteins (DAPs). The result showed, a total of 34,037 peptides were found, and 5074 proteins were identified. The screened DAPs strictly related to energy metabolism, hormone synthesis, ovarian function were significantly enriched in oxidative phosphorylation(COX7A, ND5, and UQCR10), ovarian steroidogenesis(StAR and HSD3B), taurine and hypotaurine metabolism(CSAD), glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis-heparin sulfate/heparin(GLCE), necroptosis (H2AX, AIFM1, and FTH1), protein digestion and absorption(COL4A1 and COL4A5) and glycosaminoglycan degradation(HYAL2 and HEXB) pathways. These analyses indicated that the reproductive performance of sheep is regulated through different pathways. In consequence, these findings are an important resource that can be used in future studies of the genetic mechanism of high fecundity traits in sheep, and these DAPs can be further investigated as candidate markers to predict prolificacy of sheep. Significance: Litter size is an important quantitative trait, but the genetic mechanism of high-prolificacy is still unclear in sheep. Our study identified potential signaling pathways and differentially abundant proteins related to reproductive performance. These findings will facilitate a better revealing the mechanism and provide possible targets for molecular design breeding for the formation of polytocous traits in sheep.

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