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An Earthworm Peptide Alters Soil Nematode, Microbial, and Nutrient Dynamics: A Novel Mechanism of Soil Food Web Feedbacks

文献类型: 外文期刊

作者: Yu, Fei 1 ; Qi, Yaocheng 1 ; Yan, Yifeng 1 ; Xia, Hao 1 ; Dong, Qing 1 ; Jiang, Chaoqiang 1 ; Zu, Chaolong 1 ; Shen, Jia 1 ;

作者机构: 1.Anhui Acad Agr Sci, Tobacco Res Inst, Hefei 230031, Peoples R China

关键词: cyclic peptide; soil microbes; soil base respiration; nitrate nitrogen; diversity

期刊名称:AGRONOMY-BASEL ( 影响因子:3.7; 五年影响因子:4.0 )


年卷期: 2024 年 14 卷 3 期


收录情况: SCI

摘要: Earthworms are soil macrofauna that control soil ecosystems by strongly influencing soil nematodes, microorganisms, and nutrient cycling, as well as soil environmental factors. We have discovered an earthworm cyclic peptide that disrupts nematode DNA, affecting its lifespan, reproduction, and feeding preferences. To investigate the effects of this peptide on soil, it was added to soil, and changes in soil nematode, bacterial and fungal communities, soil nutrient contents, and basal respiration were measured on days 5 and 21. The results showed that the peptide reduced soil basal respiration on day 5 and soil NO3-N on day 21, decreased soil fungivores nematodes on day 5 and soil nematode abundance on day 21, and increased soil fungal community richness and diversity. It also altered the soil bacterial community structure between day 5 and the soil fungal community structure on days 5 and 21. The peptide regulates the soil environment by influencing the structure of soil bacterial and fungal communities through the soil nematode community, as demonstrated by partial least squares path modelling (PLS-PM) analyses. Earthworm cyclic peptides mediates tri-trophic interactions between earthworms, nematodes, microbes, and environmental factors, providing new insights into soil biota interactions and feedback in dynamic soil food webs.

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